Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to give KISS. . . . . ! !

A kiss is one of the most intimate and sensuous things you can experience with another person. Unfortunately, while there’s no "right" way to kiss, many people experience anxiety about kissing or don’t know how to ask for a kiss. Fear not! Whether you’re getting ready for your first kiss, or you’re an experienced kisser and just want to improve your game for your first kiss with a new partner, you’ve come to the right place.
We've all seen so many great kisses in the movies. It all looks so simple and seems to happen spontaneously. But hey, it's the movies –and it's scripted. Real life is much different.

This is an instructable on how to kiss. Kissing can be a hard thing to do until you get comfortable doing it, and while nothing can fully prepare you for a kiss, this how-to will explain some of the basics of kissing a partner and explore some simple kissing do's and don't's.

Note: I am by no means a kissing expert. The information in this instructable is based upon experience and some simple research on the subject.

Let's get started with just a simple kiss.

Pre Kiss. . . .

The lead up to the kiss can actually be the most difficult part of kissing. Figuring out whether your partner is ready to kiss you or not can be a challenge of its own.

If you see one or a combination of these indicators, there is a good chance that your partner is thinking about kissing you.

  • eyes become soft and heavy
  • eye contact is made and sustained
  • head turns slightly
  • lips are licked or bitten
  • your partner makes physical contact with you beyond what seems appropriate for normal conversation (e.g. he or she brushes your hand, touches you on the shoulder or leg, or fidgets with an accessory)
  • easy conversation comes to a stop, but eye contact is not broken
  • your partner smiles in conjunction with any of the above behaviors
To give your partner the cue that you wish to kiss him or her, you can try one or a combination of these things.
  • soften your gaze by relaxing the muscles around your eyes, somewhat like smiling but without engaging your mouth
  • smile often, though
  • make eye contact and allow it to linger for a few moments longer than you normally would
  • find ways to subtly (but respectfully) touch your partner

Bad Effects of Lipstick = Kiss of Death?

Could it be true that some lipsticks have high lead content which endangers the health of women who use them and the guys they kiss? If this report from the China Daily is to be believed then maybe we should ban such lipstick:
US research shows may leading brands of lipstick contain dangerously high levels of lead.

Women are being warned about using some lipsticks after concerns were raised several big-name brands could contain lead.

The warnings come in the wake of last week's ruling that a class action in the United States against luxury goods giant LVMH - the manufacturer of Dior Addict Positive Red lipstick, which has been found to contain lead - could proceed.

The blood-red Dior lipstick was among dozens of lipsticks found to contain lead, after US lobby group Campaign for Safe Cosmetics commissioned an independent laboratory to test lead levels in 33 brand-name lipsticks.
Deodorants and anti-perspirants also have some negative health effects according to my friend Claire.